Learning code is as important as learning any other language in the world of tomorrow. We believe that kids should learn to speak, at the very least some basic code, to be able to understand what is going on in the world. More and more things are speaking to us is our daily life, and to me it is paramount that I teach my kids code.
But, and that is a big but – Learning code is hard. One of the things that I struggle with the most is teaching my kids STEM that i don’t know anything about my self. When I started the journey of adding more STEM activities to our world in 2016 I didn’t even know where to begin to teach them.
Luckily I am not the only one that believes that code is a language of the future. Here are some amazing resources for learning code. Some are self passed, some teach the basic concept of code and other require that you are able to read. There should be one in this list that suits your child.
Resources for learning code
Code.org have some awesome selfpased programme. It has been translated into alot of different languages, and it has been responsible for lots of hours of fun for our kids.
Codecademy has quite a few free courses that has given me some great basics into the world of code.
When you are looking for lists of resourses (much like this list, I know) for learning a specific topic within the world of code. This is the place to go.
Khan Academy
Summer of code with Google
There are a lot of sites here, and I know you cant go through them all. This is more of an inspiration to you. I would start with code.org, and sit down next to my kid and see how we go from there.
If you have any further suggestions on where to go when learning to code, I would love to hear about it.
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